Who is Eligible for Independent Living Services?
Individuals are eligible for independent living services if they:
- Are an enrolled member of Navajo Nation, age 70 years and under;
- Must reside on or *near the reservation;
- Have a significant mental or physical impairment; which limits their ability to function independently in their community, home, and environment, or engage in employment;
- Independent living services are required for the individual to achieve a greater level of independence.
*Note: 10 miles radius of the reservation
What happens next?
Individuals who meet the eligibility criteria are encouraged to apply for independent living services. Individuals interested in independent living services should complete an application for independent living services.
An initial intake interview will be conducted with the applicant to determine eligibility and appropriate services consistent with individual’s unique strengths and capabilities.
The consumer will be assigned an Independent Living Counselor who will provide counseling and guidance, planning and the necessary support in their obtaining a positive independent living outcome.
Once eligibility is determined, an Independent Living (IL) plan will be developed that will outline the independent living service to be provided. The consumer is a crucial partner in the development of an IL Plan as services must meet the needs of the individual.
When the IL Plan is agreed upon by both the IL Counselor and consumer, the plan is reviewed by a Supervisor. Once approved by the supervisor, the funds are encumbered and approved services are implemented.
The Navajo Nation believes that people with disabilities, when provided the necessary support and services can become productive members of society.